The strong growth in home based business & l 39; activity continues and, according to the Small Business Administration & 39; s Office of Advocacy, Fifty-two percent of all small businesses are home based.
Some home based business owners have been known to become " " work because their office is so accessible. Do not become the slave of & 39; your business ... Get out of your home office regularly to renew and revitalize yourself.
Close the door of your office or otherwise remove yourself from your designated work area " " and go into your home " " zone To live your personal life. If your business involves the use of telephones & 39; and you find that it is difficult & 39; d & 39; ignore a ringing phone in the office, simply turn off the ringer and turn the volume on the answering machine down. If your business is Internet-based, just turn off your computer (or at least get out of & 39; screen and keyboard).
As work at home d & 39; business entrepreneur, you certainly are not required to & 39; be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week just because your business is located in your home. After all, your office or work is simply a room in your house ... & 39; N this is not your house!
Working and living under the same roof has a multitude of & 39; advantages, but it can present some challenges (in addition to the workaholic syndrome mentioned, Above) and stress factors.
Here are four ways to set up a business at home less stressful environment:
Remember why you wanted & 39; s involved in a home-based business (c & 39; is to say, more time for family, work schedule flexibility, etc.)
Have discussions with the your family members and get their input regarding the & 39; organization of work and time that they want & 39; with you.
Use good time management. Keep a list of tasks by order of importance & 39;. There are many low cost and effective " " day planners or organizers " " easily accessible today.
ALWAYS take a little time to smell the roses " ".
While unknown negatives common to a business office & 39; workplace, & 39; home-based business owner may occasionally experience stresses and frustrations that are unique to working with d & 39; home.
Networking other at home and small business owners & 39; gives the opportunity to connect with d & 39; others who may face the same constraints and frustrations that you are. Sharing stress and / or frustrating issues with someone & 39; d & 39; one another in the same situation can relieve your stress and may bring you good advice from d & 39; another point of view.
As Finally, & 39; n Remember to observe Home-Based Business Week every year (it is always & 39; week of October that includes the second Tuesday).
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Kirk Bannerman operates a successful home Enterprise and coaches d & 39; others seeking to start their own home business.
Visit its website to legitimate & 39; Home-Based Business for more details. pablo cristi
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